Saturday, January 23, 2016

just in case ANYONE was wondering

my phone just like ran out of power.

i don't know who exactly i was talking to

but i was enjoying the conversation

and i wanted to continue having it

but apparently the online version of instagram you can't chat with your "friends"

so whatever.

but it was interesting i didn't wake up at 10:30 i woke up at 11:00

so i guess i'm waking up later and later

and whoever i was talking to said their life was really boring

so if that was anyone that mattered to me and i assume it was because they were really interesting to me

partially because it felt relevant to my life
and partially because they knew when to message me exactly?


it was nice to wake up to a message nonetheless.

i wonder, have you already decided that we are incompatible??
do you know more about me than i know about you?

that's interesting...

the entire world decided that about me.

i wanted you to be different.
i still do.
 ps. i guess it's not even remotely close to you who i am talking to you and it's just a giant coincidence they messaged me at that time and it's someone from my past.


now what do i do.

i don't want to be haunted by the ghosts of my past, but i suppose that's "what i am to you"

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