Tuesday, January 19, 2016

July 29 2013 (2016)

  • What is your favorite type of weather, temperature, etc?
i love misty rain sprinkles in like 65 degrees farenheight or however you spell that word and little bit of wind to move the trees and rain but not a lot and grey skies so you can see the vibrant colors of everything else but you know like grey is everywhere but so is color.

i like to see rainbows

i like to see clouds

i like to watch clouds when it's not hot

i like cold glass

i loved blowing on the glass at the mental hospital and drawing designs on it knowing that it would eventually be cleaned by a maid or someone and my mom would never have to see what i wrote it was total freedom. 

they always tell you not to do stuff like that in RL but when you are at the hospital it's like you can do anything you want as long as you can take the punishment.

which at the most is seclusion and a painful shot and being bedridden and tied to the bed. or locked in a room with no windows.

but i mean you can completely just LET YOURSELF go and be wild and free without worrying about anyone's response to you because no one cares in there because they are crazy too.

it was beautiful.

so i consider that a temperature and a weather. 

an  emotional weather 

you are locked in a building and you can only go outside like once a week to this pavilion where there's absolutely nothing to do and there's not enough room to run or jump or anything so you are like just giddy and tired and your emotions are heightened.

it's a scary thing. 

but i love it at times being in there.

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