Tuesday, January 19, 2016

july 19, 2013 (2016)

  • What is your favorite summer fruit?
um my favorite summer fruit would have to be um.

well i love fruit.

like i hate apples oranges and bananas because they are just so normal

like i've only had starfruit like a couple of times and it's so hard to get it right. (ripe)

and you know berries are just sometimes really good and sweet and sometimes just real sour

and pineapple if you eat too much of it it just burns your tongue so you've got to have coconut but if you drink just plain unsweetened coconut it's SO gross 

and like mango like i can't really eat mango after mango because like i drink mango juice on a regular basis.

and even grapes are pretty run of the mill.

apricots and peaches are more of a fall fruit.
 so are plums and plucots they are pretty genetically modified.

omg i have no idea.

that's like a really tough question i think it depends on what you pair it with and like where in the world you are and like is it fresh?

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