Monday, February 1, 2016


are you a "virgin"

if you are "virgin" i would be honored

i mean obviously this is me talking metaphorically here since i again have absolutely no proof that you actually want me

i'm pretty much totally inexperienced and i pretty much learned everything i know from crappy
abusers and true blood and that's basically the same thing anyways

so basically i'm just letting you know i could be the worst lay you've ever had

i'm not embarrassed about that all

sex isn't really that important to me

are you a romantic

do you know if you are?

i am

i want someone who is going to take the time to make grand gestures

and not like financial ones

like "example" buy a whole bunch of m'ms and make sure there are no brown ones in a huge jar

that's just an example i don't actually care if i eat brown m'ms

are you jealous and territorial?

i'm not really until you start flirting with people

if i can tell you are romantically interested in someone else or someone from your past i will get territorial and jealous

i'm a loyal person

i will try to make things work

i've been cheated on many times and i have only broken up with one person

and it was a mistake

not that it's a regret

it was a life experience that i learned from

well actually i broke up with the two rapists i had sex with

they don't really count though because one drugged me to have sex with me

and the other one slapped me

so i think i had a reason to break up with them

i will not tolerate physical abuse

i'm not into s & m

i don't like pain

i'm not turned on at all by eating humans

i enjoy finding weaknesses and exploiting them and turning them into a romantic thing.

it's difficult

it's emotional

and i hope someone does it to me


which is not what is happening now

i like to wear the pants

unless i'm with someone who i enjoy letting wear the pants

llllll yeah i think that person could wear the pants a lot

if they were part of the scenario

part of me is very strong.

part of me is very weak

i shall not be exploited by others that i do not love.

if i am, i may never forgive the guilty parties.

and i will stop at nothing to find out what happened.

but remember i'm very lenient.

i will do everything in my power to find out the truth.

and if i learn the truth of the situation.

it doesn't matter my pain.

i may still forgive you an unlimited number of times.

you may gain immunity or something

unless you hit me or rape me.

it would take a lot of time for me to let something like that go.

but remember. i've been through it before.

and i've forgiven them before.

so there's actually almost nothing you can do to me that i won't forgive you for.

but if you abuse my forgiveness i will know.

and so will Jesus.

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