Sunday, February 7, 2016

here's a thought



so you get a girl - either me or someone as interesting and intelligent as me, remember she needs to be intelligent...

and she like is very creative and beautiful and stuff. a feminist too

and like she is very much realistic

so she's living her life, and it's sort of like the truman show - never seen it i really don't think i have to

so anyways she basically is DESIGNING HER OWN REALITY show while she's being filmed.  and then not only does SHE edit her own show, but the director edits the show, and then

BOTH SHOWS are released. and like she's being filmed while she's editing final cut of her reality series, so you are getting like two very different pictures of what actually happened, and you can release two different shows, except you only pay for one.

and that's why this is a great idea.



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